Sunday, April 17, 2011

Missing Tennesse Woman

Holly was last seen Wednesday leaving for class when a man in camouflage lead her into the woods. She has been missing ever since. Her 25 yr old brother saw the incident and immediately called 911. So far they have found her lunch box, cell phone, and purse in the woods where the man took her. Holly lives in Daden Tennessee. The community of Parsons Tennessee has banned together to find her. They asked for more volunteers and people came out in the thousands. They even had to turn some volunteers away. When I saw her family on TV pleading for her safe return it literally made me sick. I don’t know this girl, but her family loves her deeply. The pain in their voices and tears broke my heart. Anyone who reads this please pray for her safe return. She has so much to look forward to in her life. Its not fair that someone can just take her from her loving home. I don’t understand why someone would ever want to hurt her. I just pray she comes home safely.
I got all my information from ABC news

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Zetas Drug Cartel in Mexico

           This picture is disturbing. This is a picture of bodies from the mass grave site. These are police standing around. I recieved all my information and pictures from CNN.

 I recently read an article on CNN that disturbed me. The article was on a mass grave site found in Mexico. The article went on to say that 16 Mexican police officers have been arrested for covering up the mass graves and protecting the Zetas drug cartel. Since 2006 when Felipe Calderon took the presidency of Mexico some 35,000 people have died in drug related incidents. So far 126 bodies have been found in the mass grave site. This is just appalling! This makes me sad that people especially cops can be bought by the drug cartels. Those Mexican police are supposed to protect their country and its people. Not sell out and allow the mass killings of people. We are supposed to be able to trust police officers. I’m very thankful I live in a wonderful nation.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Book Review on What's So Great About America by Dinesh D'Souza

This book was absolutely amazing! I could not put it down. I read it in three days! D’Souza goes over every part of what makes America great and also our weaknesses. He also discussed our critics. Then he turns around and disproves their theories about America. Our three harshest critics are multiculturalists, Leftist Americans, and Islamic Fundamentalists. As Americans we are hardest on ourselves according to D’Souza, because we hold ourselves to such a high standard.
Multiculturalists dislike America because they think that every nation is equal. They think that America is not superior in any way to any other nation; their philosophy is that we are all perfect in our own way. They also believe that we as Americans should not try to “Americanize” other nations and other cultures. They think that we take other cultures and destroy them not physically but we destroy their traditions, and ways of life. D’Souza denounces this philosophy by saying “If America was not superior then why do we have so many immigrants wanting to come here”. Most immigrants are ecstatic when they come to America. They see that here in America they can work for 5 dollars an hour instead of 5 dollars a day, D’Souza makes this point very clear. Not only that but he goes on to explain how Western society may have effected such places as India for example, but we did it for the good. D’Souza says that he is sad that his grandfather had to suffer from English rule, but in the end the influence of western culture built roads, clean water, and modernized India. D’Souza is grateful for this because it made India a better place to live than it would have been if western culture had never been there.
Granted America is not perfect, but we have made many strides in the right direction. As you read more of D’Souza book you will see what defines the American Dream. You will also see what makes America so unique and appealing to immigrants. You will see why others hate us and even want to kill us. Then you will see how D’Souza makes America so beautiful. Honestly after I read this book, and even now I am renewed with a sense of patriotism, love, and appreciation of my country. It’s sometimes easy to forget how wonderful of a country we live in.